This is the complete list of members for t::BlinnPhong, including all inherited members.
BlinnPhong(Color _diffuseColor, Color _specularColor, double _shininess) | t::BlinnPhong | inline |
cullMode | t::Material | |
depthTest | t::Material | |
depthWrite | t::Material | |
diffuseColor | t::BlinnPhong | |
fragmentShader(const Uniforms &uniforms, const Varyings &varyings, const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Light > > &lights) override | t::BlinnPhong | inlinevirtual |
shininess | t::BlinnPhong | |
specularColor | t::BlinnPhong | |
vertexShader(const Uniforms &uniforms, const Attributes &attributes) override | t::BlinnPhong | inlinevirtual |
~Material()=default (defined in t::Material) | t::Material | virtual |