Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼ include | |
▼ cameras | |
Camera.hpp | |
OrthographicCamera.hpp | |
PerspectiveCamera.hpp | |
▼ geometries | |
Box.hpp | |
Geometry.hpp | |
Plane.hpp | |
UtahTeapot.hpp | |
▼ lights | |
AmbientLight.hpp | |
Light.hpp | |
PointLight.hpp | |
▼ materials | |
BlinnPhong.hpp | |
Material.hpp | |
NormalColor.hpp | |
SolidColor.hpp | |
▼ math | |
EulerRotation.hpp | |
Matrix3x3.hpp | |
Matrix4x4.hpp | |
Vector3.hpp | |
Vector4.hpp | |
▼ primitives | |
Attributes.hpp | |
BufferAttribute.hpp | |
Color.hpp | |
Fragment.hpp | |
Mesh.hpp | |
Object3D.hpp | |
RenderTarget.hpp | |
Scene.hpp | |
Texture.hpp | |
Uniforms.hpp | |
Varyings.hpp | |
▼ renderers | |
Rasterizer.hpp | |
algorithms.hpp | Contains various algorithms |
constants.hpp | Contains various constants and enumerations |
t.hpp | The t 3D graphics library header file |