▼Nt | The t software 3D graphics library namespace |
CAmbientLight | The ambient light, which illuminates all objects in the scene equally |
CAttributes | The attributes of a vertex, available to vertex shaders |
CBlinnPhong | A shiny material that uses the Blinn-Phong reflection model |
CBox | The geometry of a cuboid (box) |
CBufferAttribute | A class representing attributes, such as vertex positions, face indices, and vertex normals |
CCamera | The base camera class |
CColor | The color class |
CEulerRotation | The Euler rotation class |
CFragment | The fragment class |
CGeometry | The base 3D geometry class |
CLight | The base lighting class |
CMaterial | The base material class |
CMatrix3x3 | The \(3 \times 3\) matrix class |
CMatrix4x4 | The \(4 \times 4\) matrix class |
CMesh | The triangular 3D mesh class |
CNormalColor | A material that maps the mesh's normal vectors to normalized RGB colors |
CObject3D | The 3D object class |
COrthographicCamera | The orthographic projection camera |
CPerspectiveCamera | The perspective projection camera |
CPlane | The geometry of a flat, depth-less plane |
CPointLight | The point light, which gets emitted from a single point in all directions |
CRasterizer | The most basic renderer that renders your beautiful 3D scene |
CRenderTarget | |
CScene | The 3D scene class |
CSolidColor | A material that appears in one single color and is unaffected by lights |
CTexture | The 2D texture class |
CUniforms | The uniforms available to vertex shaders and fragment shaders |
CUtahTeapot | The geometry of the original Utah teapot, triangulated at 3488 triangles |
CVaryings | The varyings available to fragment shaders |
CVector3 | The 3D vector class |
CVector4 | The 4D vector class |