No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NtThe t software 3D graphics library namespace
 CAmbientLightThe ambient light, which illuminates all objects in the scene equally
 CAttributesThe attributes of a vertex, available to vertex shaders
 CBlinnPhongA shiny material that uses the Blinn-Phong reflection model
 CBoxThe geometry of a cuboid (box)
 CBufferAttributeA class representing attributes, such as vertex positions, face indices, and vertex normals
 CCameraThe base camera class
 CColorThe color class
 CEulerRotationThe Euler rotation class
 CFragmentThe fragment class
 CGeometryThe base 3D geometry class
 CLightThe base lighting class
 CMaterialThe base material class
 CMatrix3x3The \(3 \times 3\) matrix class
 CMatrix4x4The \(4 \times 4\) matrix class
 CMeshThe triangular 3D mesh class
 CNormalColorA material that maps the mesh's normal vectors to normalized RGB colors
 CObject3DThe 3D object class
 COrthographicCameraThe orthographic projection camera
 CPerspectiveCameraThe perspective projection camera
 CPlaneThe geometry of a flat, depth-less plane
 CPointLightThe point light, which gets emitted from a single point in all directions
 CRasterizerThe most basic renderer that renders your beautiful 3D scene
 CSceneThe 3D scene class
 CSolidColorA material that appears in one single color and is unaffected by lights
 CTextureThe 2D texture class
 CUniformsThe uniforms available to vertex shaders and fragment shaders
 CUtahTeapotThe geometry of the original Utah teapot, triangulated at 3488 triangles
 CVaryingsThe varyings available to fragment shaders
 CVector3The 3D vector class
 CVector4The 4D vector class